Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Time Has COME

I received the call Friday from QT's attorney Mr. Biggs. The Evidentiary Hearing has been set for April 1, 2010... It's kinda scary because this is IT.. Alot of things haven't panned out the way we would have liked, alot of "so called witness" who can help by coming forward and being truthful have made themselves unavailable, and have chosen to allow this injustice to continue! A young man is looking to spend LIFE in prison for something he didn't DO! It really hurts because I just dont know if people really know the seriousness of the situation.. but I have CHOSEN to continue to trust in God because I know that it is only by his power that we have made it this far! & he has not brought us this far for failure!
As I talk to my nephew and can hear in his voice his concern/fear of the unknown, it takes everything in me to comfort him and ease his mind.. when my own mind is scrambling trying to make sense of it all and put together how we even got here!
So many emotions begin to bubble up I dont know whether to cry, to laugh, to sing, or dance.. just so much but, I do know that no matter the outcome we are still "VICTORIOUS" in him! Please continue to pray for QT and my family as we continue on this journey moving forward fighting daily, praying daily, seeking God's will and comfort in our moments of fear and doubt praying for MORE faith to trust and believe that he is in control of the whole situation and has always been!

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