Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Time marches ON!

This month has been extremely HOT! I worry because QT had been in transition at the Byrd Unit for 90 days which is NOT the norm! As I continue to investigate and make calls and have my sister Julie call I realized that there was something completely wrong.. and it had to be FIXED immediately! All sorts of things rushing through my mind, wondering what in GODS holy name is going on? of course the worst possible thoughts come through loud and clear.. as I begin to feel the anxiousness kicking in I begin to tell myself the devil is a LIAR! After many calls to directors, supervisors, and senior wardens office I contacted his unit today, Robertson Unit in Abilene and he is back home with his brothers in Christ! I thank God for my brothers for all their support and love for my QT while he is away from home. I pray for them for courage and strength but most of all that their faith grow stronger in HIM!

I received an email from QT's attorney Mr. William Biggs which will explain where we are in his case:

1. I had asked him what his thoughts were in regards to how the evidentiary hearing went this past April 1st. He states it went about as well as it could have. This case is extremely complicated; there are a bunch of moving pieces. However, he thinks that if judge Ramirez (presiding judge at evidentiary hearing)wants to give him relief, we have provided her several legal avenues to do so. He states he doesn't want to give anyone false hope. He thinks this case could honestly go either way. That being said he states, "I personally think he has a very good chance".

2. We have now submitted ALL the briefs necessary for her to decide the case. At this point, everything is before the judge and its up to her to make the decision.

3. Best case scenario: He is granted habeas relief and his convictions are vacated. This would entitle him to a new trial, should the State choose to try him again. Worst case scenario: They deny his petition, which means his convictions stand. Of course, if it is denied, we will still be able to appeal.

4. What would be the length of time to hear something? Mr Biggs guess is we should know something within the next couple of months.

REMEMBER: The magistrates decision is just a recommendation. Ultimately, the district judge (Reed O'Connor) will be making the formal decision. More often than not, the district judge goes along with the magistrate's recommendation. Should the district judge rule in our favor the State in all likelihood will appeal his case to the Fifth Circuit, and perhaps even the United States Supreme Court

With this being said please continue to pray for God's perfect intervention, for God's perfect timing.. its so true what God says "my ways are not your ways & your thoughts are not my thoughts" I know this process is SOOOO long and hard and that is just because GOD IS TRULY BEING GLORIFIED his name will be lifted on high! Thank you Jesus because as "time marches on" Lord, you never change you are the same yesterday, today, and forever! Please continue in intercessory prayer for Judge Irma Ramirez and Judge Reed O'Connor that God speak and continue to speak to their heart & give them wisdom and courage to do the right thing and provide justice for QT! Intercessory Prayer is prayer for others. An intercessor is one who takes the place of another or pleads another's case. One study Bible defines intercession as "holy, believing, persevering prayer whereby someone pleads with God on behalf of another or others who desperately need God's intervention." In your name Lord we place this situation and resoulution under your authority. Thank you Lord and please bless those prayer warriors who continue to intercede for others! May these prayers reach your throne! Thanks yall for all your prayers and continued support!

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