Monday, March 29, 2010

So Close & Yet So Far!

Thanks again for all your prayers and support yall just dont know how much your prayers mean to QT and my family.. your prayers that God's will be done and he be glorified through all of this! Your prayers have made many days & nights easier to bare for him and for us and we will forever be in debt to yall for all the love and affection for us! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I just spoke to Mr. Biggs and as I had stated the government is trying to keep this hearing from happening even as I had shared with many of yall today, but PRAISE be to God! The time has passed their is NO TURNING BACK! It's been along time coming and it will take place
Thursday, April 1, 2010 @9:00 am
Earl Campbell Federal Bldg
1100 Commerce Street
15th Floor #1566
Court #1566
Dallas, Tx
PARKING - sorry you have to pay for parking its like around $8
You know its funny because we've been waiting almost 9 years to get here and please understand we have so much more to go but I thought I would be relieved to hear the news but as soon as he said "ITS FOR SURE THURSDAY" I felt like I was going to throw up and cry all at the same time! Mr. Biggs said now I dont know if you feel relief or anxious but we're moving forward! I dont know if he could sense it in my voice ha ha. PLEASE yall PLEASE keep praying for QT, Mr. Biggs, Judge Irma Ramirez, the attorneys, & witnesses involved that God give them wisdom and courage to make the right decisions and be courageous enough to come forward and tell the truth! Please pray for my sister Julie she gets anxious easy and gets to having anxiety attacks! Remember this isn't a trial its a hearing and we will know something later but I will keep yall posted for sure! Thanks to all of yall who are taking time out of your busy schedule to support QT whether he is your friend, your brother, your grand son, your cousin, whether he was in your Sunday school class, played ball with you or like me my nephew who I love SO very much! We will always fight tooth and nail for his freedom! We won't give UP EVER! and our story won't end here my prayer is we will continue to find ways to support the many, many people who are still wrongfully encarcerated fighting for their freedom! I wanna SHOUT OUT to our brothers at the Robertson Unit in Abilene, Texas especially Pastor Holder (who was his prison attorney) who have been like brothers to my nephew who have supported him, blieved in him, who have loved him, who have comforted him when he was so far from home, who mentored him, and taught him how to be "THE STRONG GODLY MAN HE IS TODAY" see what satan uses for evil GOD uses for good for his honor and glory! See he thought this would break us, he thought that this situation would make us turn from God, break our spirit, he thought we would wither away and die but what he failed to see is that we serve a LIVING GOD who says NOTHING is impossible for HIM and that no matter the outcome we are still CONQUERORS and it only made us stronger and more determined then EVER to SEE JUSTICE PREVAIL!

Love yall so much!

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